Buy a protection plan and get a basic will made for no extra cost
Life insurance gives you peace of mind that should something happen to you, your family won’t have to struggle financially. To add to this peace of mind you
can get a basic Will made for no extra cost when you buy a life insurance plan from Irish Life.
Pension News 23rd October 2020
Extended Revenue Deadline and opportunities for backdating Tax Relief
We are fast approaching the Revenue “Pay and File” tax deadline. For those wishing to make a Pension Contribution to help reduce their tax liability in 2019, they must make the Pension Contribution to the Life Office AND elect for tax relief to be backdated to 2019 before 31 October 2020. For those customers who are registered to use the Revenue On-line Service (ROS), the extended deadline for on-line tax returns is 10 December 2020.
Budget 2021
Budget 2021 – Gintax insights 13 October 2020
Serious Illness
Serious Illness video was provided by Zurich Life Protection
Savings and Investment
This Savings and Investment video was provided by Zurich Life Investments
Retirement video
This Retirement video was provided by Zurich Life Pensions
Do I need Life Insurance?
Do I need Life Insurance? video was provided by Zurich Life Protection
Savings and Investment
This Savings and Investment video was provided by Zurich Life Investments
What is Income Protection?
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